Wednesday 23 October 2013

advantage of reading


This time my posts related to advantage of reading. It is a continuation of the previous post. many advantage that we can get if reading the book regardless of reading novels or books with elements of motivation.

 Reading is the best hobby to have as it can enhance our vocabulary skills and mental activity. Reading a novel gives we a beautiful experience. The saddest thing is majority of people are not introduced to the extraordinary world of novels. Fantasy novels can broaden our imagination and develops our creative thinking.

Beside that, we can build your thinking skill and become smarter with the knowledge of the historical eras, in which the novels are based in. Reading books expand your vocabulary skill and open your mind to new ideas.

Reading a good fantasy novel for few hours help we to escape from the stressful world and makes we to enjoy the new fantasy world. Novel is the great form of Escapism. Novels make we to focus on what are we reading for long time and thereby they enhance our concentration skill. They help stretch our memory muscles as they require remembering plot lines, themes and characters. Reading widens our horizon of information. we can discuss various plots in the novel with our friends.
From this we can generate a new hobby..with share a something novel that we read to another..

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