Wednesday 30 October 2013

motivated word...


okay I think want to share you all a something that can give a motivated to you..only just word but hope can can give inspire to you..hehe

"Every successful person must have a failure. Do not be afraid to fail because failure is a part of success."

everyone must have been truly failed. no matter failed in life or lessons, from that we will  be learning to be successful. that's right??

we as student will not get away from problem.Isure you all have problem like to do assignment, manage time and other problem that always student face it and after that, complainng. that's true???. So don't complaining but take action as the word say..

"Complaining will never solve the problem. Stop complaining and  take the right action!!"

"Trouble is your best friend. It makes you stronger and more understanding about life"

today just  this that I can share..even just word but hope can provide the benefit to you..hehe :-)

Monday 28 October 2013

opinion about book "Berfikir Gaya Trump"


okay, it about my opinion about book "Berfikir Gaya Trump" after I read it..

I choose "Berfikir Gaya Trump" for further reading because the words and writings in this book can be a motivation to me in any walk of lifeas a student now. 


I love the words they used in the first style of the book "To achieve success in a meaningful way, we only have two options. First, do the things we love or love what we do”

That words is suitable for student that now study and not love the course or subject that them take.From that words we need optimistic and be serious in course or subject that we have take.

That's why I like read this book because many tips that can I get and the narrative style of this book makes those who want success feels motivated.

I shared about this book not because want to glorify western figure but just wanted to know his experiences and learn tips from him..:-)

Sunday 27 October 2013

motivated book


Now I want share about motivated book that have I read before this..this book belongs to my father..hehe

 At first just want to read the synopsis. but after have read feel attract to continue reading a whole book.

While I am not bisneswoman but through the synopsis makes me interested to find out how Uncle Donald Trump's think to be success in leading business.

a bit synopsis about that book..

Donald J. Trump  continued the life Trump brand after down in business his father. However, its business down or up repeatedly never extinguish his spirit. Now, more advanced of the Trump empire.

From the dark side, so many negative outlook Trump leveled by competitors. Arrogant, crazy, glamor, gambling, and more. However, there is a rare privilege in itself we are aware, that is a mindset.

"Berfikir Gaya Trump" describes 18 types of thinking styles but not Trump alone. Also contained a number of Malaysian and international figures who have similar thoughts rhythm. For example, Datuk Chef Wan

Saturday 26 October 2013

continued of synopsis novel


I continued the past post about synopsis of novel "Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah"

By repay, Hanan sacrifice for missionary purposes. Hanan finally choose men who never thought would be his life partner. But the attitude of the man who often just ignore the laws of God and the presence of his girlfriend Sally has test their life

 Hanan tried to survive and win the hearts of men called husband. But, Hanan should sacrificed her principles life for the sake of her own happiness that are not sure? Between love for her husband and the love of God, which should come first?    
For more details about this novel you all can read it a

Friday 25 October 2013

synopsis Novel Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah


Okay,as promise yesterday. today I wanted to do review on novel "Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah". For starting that is the synopsis.. 

Perempuan lindungan kaabah that was the title given by the people around him because of Hanan attitude that perfect as a righteous Muslimah.

The presence of men who crave to be a wife led Hannan cofuse to choose between service and feel ..

"Hanan, for I know Islam more deeply than you. That through e-mail or phone. Every time I want to invite you out, you're always pushing. You're not willing to go out with me?-Alex-

“Hanan! I'm just going to keep this love deep in my heart ... "-amir-

"Mummy  want Reez  to marry ustazah? Every day the veiled, even in this house. If Reez asked her to go to a club or karaoke, mummy do not think he wanted to go? "-Fareez-

"I'm not sexy ... With images of this maxi gown and veil feels too awkward for me to be in the  Fareez world. I definitely is not a choice, but I personally never even dreamed to live with it."

the back of novel

Thursday 24 October 2013

About Novel Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah


Based on my hobby,that is reading novel.Now I want to share about my favourite novel that is "Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah"

In novel usually have many character. that right?. so I want introduce only the main character in this novel.

#Hanan - the heroin in this novel. she is a child of maid

#Fareez - the hero in this novel. he was a child, whose parent Hanan worked and son of Mrs.Zaleha

#Rozi- she is best friend of Hanan

#Alex- he is a chinese person and also friend to Fareez

#Amir- he is adopter brother of Hanan

#Mrs Zaleha- mother's Fareez and Hanan always call her Mak Long

I think only this the main character that have in this novel..because I read this novel last year..hehe
the story is best for me..
I attracted to read this novel when I see my chinese friend read his book.From that I buy that book and read it..that's true what her say,this novel is the best and can motivate we when read..
you all need to try read

okay, after this I will continued about this novel..

Wednesday 23 October 2013

advantage reading motivation book


Now,I continue from previous post..
Many people like to read that's why I like reading novel and motivational books and have other hate reading. but many advantage when reading.

Reading motivational books is key to improving our personal well being, there is a wealth of knowledge to be derived from learning the experiences of others and by so doing we become better  with each passing day and automatically we become better friends, better student, better lover and others.

As humans, we need to keep learning  every day, we owe ourselves a responsibility to continue and constantly improve daily, there is no way we can become better if we don't learn.Motivational books also to help us learn and implement positive ideas that we've learnt.

Books generally are wealth of knowledge that no one can dispute, different people experience different and diverse views about life and sharing their experience. it also,encourage and motivated us from feel like giving up. however, by reading and coming in contact with books and materials from people that must have experienced such things we are going through, we are able to learn how they were able to manage such issues and triumph over them.

advantage of reading


This time my posts related to advantage of reading. It is a continuation of the previous post. many advantage that we can get if reading the book regardless of reading novels or books with elements of motivation.

 Reading is the best hobby to have as it can enhance our vocabulary skills and mental activity. Reading a novel gives we a beautiful experience. The saddest thing is majority of people are not introduced to the extraordinary world of novels. Fantasy novels can broaden our imagination and develops our creative thinking.

Beside that, we can build your thinking skill and become smarter with the knowledge of the historical eras, in which the novels are based in. Reading books expand your vocabulary skill and open your mind to new ideas.

Reading a good fantasy novel for few hours help we to escape from the stressful world and makes we to enjoy the new fantasy world. Novel is the great form of Escapism. Novels make we to focus on what are we reading for long time and thereby they enhance our concentration skill. They help stretch our memory muscles as they require remembering plot lines, themes and characters. Reading widens our horizon of information. we can discuss various plots in the novel with our friends.
From this we can generate a new hobby..with share a something novel that we read to another..

Tuesday 22 October 2013

about hobby


okay now I want to continued the previous post..I want share about my hobby.

My hobbies are reading novels or books of motivation. Reading is acquisition of a language, developing communication skills, and refining my language. Reading also can make me relaxes  after a long hectic day. Reading book will never make me feel lonely, as i will always have a good companion in a "book". Moreover, it is one of the best ways to relieve my tension and immerse myself in the process of reading, which takes I into different world.besides, I also like reading motivation book because motivated us and put us in a positive frame of mind. In addition, motivated book  may not change we and make we different or anything as drastic as that but it does give me an inner strength and the courage to face things and practical realities of life, also deal with someone instead of running away from them.That,I like reading books like this and I can get many tips from it.

at this time only this I can write and I will continue it later..
see again :-)

Thursday 17 October 2013



Before starting you all must have to know who the author. Who I am??.Name given is  siti umi amira binti supian. was born on 07-01-1994. Now my age is 19 year old. I come from selangor. I a second child in my family.

from left my brother,mother,father and me
in front my younger brother and sister

only this will I be able to share this time.It just fun and just a little about me.hehe..